Creating and distributing products to make life simpler.

Finding Innovative Solutions For Everyday Problems

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We recognize that problems surround us, they are just inevitable for everyone, and that helpful solutions lead to enjoyment. At Compac, we exist to deliver innovative solutions that make life easier and more enjoyable for people of all ages. As a family operated small business, it is remarkable that a majority of our products are made right here in the U.S.A.

We have grown over the years to house six brands – Brilliant, Baby Buddy, Better Grillin’, Brush My Teeth, Compac Home and HartFelt. Our desire is to impact the lives of people of all ages with these distinct innovative solutions. This impact has been far reaching as we have met countless customers who testify of how our products have changed their lives for the better.

Compac Industries - Brilliant Oral Care
Compac Industries - Baby Buddy
Compac Industries - Better Grillin'
Compac Industries - Brush My Teeth
Compac Industries - Compac Home
Compac Industries - Hartfelt
Brilliant Oral Care - All-Around Bristles. All-Around Clean


Brilliant! Toothbrushes are like nothing you’ve seen before. All of our toothbrushes are designed with 360 degrees of bristles. That’s right, bristles all around for the best cleaning you have ever experienced.

Our toothbrushes are able to reach multiple surfaces in the mouth at the same time. With a round brush head and over 10,000 micro-fine bristles, the Brilliant Toothbrush leaves your teeth looking and feeling squeaky clean. From toddlers to adults, Brilliant has a solution to provide you with a lifetime of smiles.

View Brilliant Oral Care products
Baby Buddy - Every Baby Needs a Buddy


The Baby Buddy by Brilliant Oral Care Program starts at birth. Lay the foundation for a healthy smile, and as your little one develops, there is a solution for every step of the way. The Bear Pacifier Holder keeps a pacifier close and off the floor, instead of having it get lost just when you need it. Our Up & Away Hammock keeps “stuffed” friends within reach and neatly organized.

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Better Grillin' - Better Tasting BBQ


Our Better Grillin’ products are our newest brand, feature handy items for the grill enthusiast. Whether placing your custom sauce in the right places on whatever you like to grill or helping with the cleanup before and after you are done, Better Grillin’ has a product for you. We created Better Grillin’ products for weekend Grillmasters and those who love to cater on the small or large scale.

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Brush My Teeth - Help Add Years to Your Pet's Life


Why brush your pet’s teeth? Because they can’t do it for themselves! Compac Industries developed Brush My Teeth oral care for pets because toothbrushing is the best way to protect your pet’s dental health between professional dental cleanings. Brush My Teeth round toothbrushes have thousands of ultra-fine, microfiber, rounded-tip bristles all around and they come in three sizes for dogs and a size just right for cats to gently clean teeth.

Just like it is for people, daily toothbrushing helps remove dental plaque for pets.

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Compac Home - Cleaning and Caring For Your Home


Compac Home creates innovative solutions and problem solvers for your kitchen, bathroom, and other living spaces inside and outside your home. Our Compac Home products are solution products for cleaning and caring for your home and family who lives there. Enjoy sweet smells with Plink and Sink Daisy items; keep your home, pots and pans, sparkling with Magic Stone; enjoy every last bit of your favorite condiments or fruits with our kitchen gadgets; and secure your seating and footing at those most important times with our Safe-T products.

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Hartfelt - Simple Solutions for Beautiful Skin


We all want to feel and look our best. That is why HartFelt is pleased to offer a fantastic line of proven skin care products. Our Facial and Body Scrubs refresh and revive your skin for a healthy glow.  Like you, we care from the heart. We never miss a beat to touch your life.

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As a family operated small business, it is remarkable that a majority of our products are made right here in the U.S.A. We have grown over the years to house six brands – Brilliant, Baby Buddy, Better Grillin’, Brush My Teeth, Compac Home and HartFelt.

For 40+ years in operation, Compac Industries has navigated many significant changes across technology and consumer behavior that ultimately shaped the way our company approaches the marketplace. By closely following and responding to these changes, Compac continues to grow as the needs of people grow. As a manufacturer and distributor of solution products, Compac understands the importance of keeping pace with consumer expectations.

We recognize that consumers were beginning to identify and engage directly with brands. That led us to rethink both our product delivery and brand strategy, seeking to create a stronger connection between our customers and our brands. We rebranded all of our products, putting them into specific segments under corresponding brands as our way to help our customers quickly identify their need and the solution to that need.

Our desire is to impact the lives of people of all ages with innovative solutions. This impact has been far reaching as we have met countless customers who testify of how our products have changed their lives.

National Minority Supplier Development Council
Georgia Minority Supplier Developer Council

Compac is a proud member of both the National Minority Supplier Development Council as well as the Georgia Minority Supplier Development Council

Creating and distributing products that make life simpler.